Outdoor Recreational Soccer Information
The Recreational Program is geared towards providing a fun, competitive soccer environment for kids. All kids are welcome and CSL strives to make it a positive experience for the players and their families.
Winning is not the #1 goal of the Program and there are no playoffs at the end of the season. Coaches (and parents) are encouraged to teach good sportsmanship, self-reliance, and teamwork. The emphasis should not be on winning, but on team participation and self-improvement in skills, coordination, and strategy. Recreational Programs should always be about fun first while teaching the skills to improve at the game of soccer.
The goal of every youth soccer coach should be to provide every player with opportunities to reach his maximum potential in the game of soccer. Coaches must balance fun and discipline according to the ages and ability levels of their players. Coaches should evaluate players’ strengths and weaknesses in such areas as size, speed, physical strength, endurance, coordination, ball control, and tactical abilities-the ability to read and understand the game of soccer.
The league places the game of soccer ahead of any desire to win in the Rec Program. Coaches are expected to control their players and their sideline during games. Abusive or disrespectful behavior is not tolerated. Continual disregard of these philosophies can result in disciplinary action by the League that may include the suspension or expulsion of either the coach or the player. Family members and fans are also expected to act with respect and good sportsmanship while at games and practices.
FIFA Rules
All games will be played in accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game except as modified below by USYS, MSYSA, and/or Cecil Soccer:
- All players must wear a Red/White Cecil Soccer Recreational Jersey.
- Black Shorts are recommended but not required.
- All players must wear Shin pads covered by Soccer Socks (preferably Black).
- All players must wear Soccer Cleats or Athletics shoes, no boots or sandals allowed.
- For the safety of all players, No Player may wear any Jewelry during a game; this includes watches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings or any piercings. Referees may allow an exception if the Jewelry cannot be removed for medical reasons and it is fully wrapped with protective medical tape.
- Players may wear gloves or additional clothing under their uniform for warmth, when needed, however no hooded Sweatshirts/Jackets are allowed during the games.
- Players with Casts or Braces may be allowed to play if they have written medical approval from their doctor and are approved by the referee prior to the game. Any Cast or Brace must be appropriately padded and covered to ensure the safety of all players on the field. Players using a cast or brace as a “Weapon” in a game will be removed from the game and will not be allowed to play in future games while wearing a cast or brace. The referee’s decision to allow or not allow a player with a cast or brace to play in a game is final.
- Scores/Standings are recorded in the recreational league for league improvement purposes only and are not published. Scores/Standings may be published in Recreational Tournament Leagues which may require playoffs to determine a winner.
Fair Play Rule
- Although the league does not track results, we do understand that Coaches, Parents and especially Players do keep a track of who is winning. To ensure all players benefit from the soccer experience, Cecil Soccer League enforces the “Fair Play Rule” in the Recreational League. This rule states that if a team is winning by 4 goals or more, that the team that is winning must reduce the number of players on the field by 1 and the team that is losing must increase the number of players on the field by 1 for each goal difference greater than 3. For example if a team in the U10 Division, playing 7 v7, scores a goal making the score 4 – 0 then they would reduce their field players to 6 and the opponent would increase their field players to 8. If the winning team scored again, then they would reduce to 5 players and the opponent would increase to 9 players, however if the opponent scored a goal making the score 4 – 1 then the teams would revert back to the original 7v7 layout.
- If the goal difference in a game exceeds 7 goals in an 11v11 format, 6 goals in a 9v9 format or 5 goals in a 7v7 format then the game is considered complete. Once the game is complete, the coaches must work together to re-balance the team mix and the balance of the game can be played as a scrimmage between the new teams.
- Coaches are encouraged to share players with their opponent if teams are short players or to re-balance teams prior to the game being declared complete, to ensure maximum playing time for all players.
Coaches / Managers
- All Coaches, Assistant Coaches, or Team Managers must pass an Annual Background Check and complete online Concussion Training and Abuse Prevention Training prior to being approved by Cecil Soccer. Only Cecil Soccer’s Approved Coaches, Assistant Coaches or Team Managers should run practices or games.
- Only Cecil Soccer approved Coaches, Assistant Coaches or Team Managers (Maximum of 3) may be on the team bench side of the field during a game.
- No Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers, Players or Parents are allowed to enter the field of play during a game without prior approval from the referee.
Team Roster
- Team Roster is a list of players assigned to a specific team for a specific season by Cecil Soccer as identified in Team Snap. All coaches must have a copy of that roster at all games.
- Game Day Roster is a list of players eligible to play in a specific game. That list consists of the players from the Team Roster plus any Guest players (if needed). Guest Players are to be clearly identified on the Game Day Roster.
- Game day rosters cannot exceed 18 players in U13-U19, 14 players in U11-U12, 12 players in U9-U10, or 10 players in the U7-U8 Divisions.
Guest Players
- If a team is short players at the start of a game they can borrow players from another team in their same division or a younger division, including their opponent, however these Guest players cannot play more time than any regularly rostered player on the Team Roster unless they are the goalkeeper.
- Guest players can only guest in 1 game per day unless approved by a Cecil Soccer Executive Board Member.
- Guest players are not eligible to play for a team that is winning in a game where the “Fair Play Rule” was applied.
- At no time can guest players be used to make a team’s Game Day Roster larger than their opponents. Guest players must be identified to the opposing coach and Referee prior to the start of the game.
- Only Recreational Players registered for the current recreational season may guest on a Recreational team. Players cannot Guest play for a team in a division below the Division they are registered in.
- All Spectators (Parents, Siblings, etc.) must be on the opposite side of the field to the Coaches and Players during the game.
- No Spectators or Coaches are allowed behind the Goal Line during a Game.
- Spectators, Coach’s & Players must remain at least 2 yards back from the touchline (sideline) during the game.
- Spectators, Coach’s & Players must remain at least 5 yards away from the corner flag during the game.
- Spectators must refrain from talking to the Referees and Assistant Referees. Only Coaches and Team Captains should talk to the Referees and Assistant Referees during the game and only in a respectful manner.
Silent Saturday
This has been tried in this league and other leagues and it was noted that the kids loved it and so did the Ref’s.
On “ SILENT SATURDAY “the coaches and parents should be silent on the side lines. Sometimes as a coach and as a parent we can become over enthusiastic and yell out constant instructions like, “Pass, Shoot, Clear the ball, Center”. With the sidelines being quiet, this will let the kids make their own decisions on the field, and they will be able to talk to each other. The children will decide who will take the corner kick, goal kick, or throw in. The children will be able to hear each other talk on the field with comments like “Pass, Center, Go wide.”
So, lets sit back, suck on a lollipop, save our vocal chords, and enjoy the game.
Age Group Information
Youth Divisions
U-04 Divisions (3v3)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be approximately 25 yards long.
- The Field shall be approximately 15 yards wide.
- Goal Size is 4’ x 6’.
Game / Practice Details
- Starting Team consists of 3 field players, no goal keepers.
- Games are broken into 2 sessions. The first session is a 30 minute team practice which is followed by a 2nd Session consisting of a mini game between 2 teams. Game times posted on the schedules reflect the start time of the 1st Session.
- The Mini Games will consist of 2 – 10 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- Substitutions are “on the fly” at this age group.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- No Throw-ins at this age group, all restarts are kicks and opponents must stand back at least 10ft. Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and goal kicks.
- No Headers allowed at this age. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opponent if a player intentionally heads the ball.
- Size 3 ball is used.
- There are no weekday practices with this division.
U-06 Divisions (4v4)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be approximately 30 yards long.
- The Field shall be approximately 20 yards wide.
- Goal Dead Zone – There will be a 2 yard arc from the center of each goal. No player may touch a moving ball inside this arc. If a defending player touches it, it is a goal. If an attacking player touches it, it is a goal kick. If the ball stops moving inside the arc without crossing the goal line, it is a goal kick.
- Goal Size is 4’ x 6’.
Game / Practice Details
- Starting Team consists of 4 field players, no goal keepers.
- Games are broken into 2 sessions. The first session is a 30 minute team practice which is followed by a 2nd Session consisting of a mini game between 2 teams. Game times posted on the schedules reflect the start time of the 1st Session.
- The Mini Games will consist of 4 – 8 minute quarters with approximately 1 minute between quarters and a 5 minute halftime break.
- Substitutions are “on the fly” at this age group.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- No Throw-ins at this age group, all restarts are kicks and opponents must stand back at least 10ft. Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and goal kicks.
- No Headers allowed at this age. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opponent if a player intentionally heads the ball.
- Size 3 ball is used.
- There are no weekday practices with this division.
U-08 Divisions (5v5)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be approximately 40 yards long.
- The Field shall be approximately 25 yards wide.
- Penalty Area shall be 7 yards long by 14 yards wide.
- Goal Dead Zone – There will be a 2 yard arc from the center of each goal. Only the Goal Keeper may touch a moving ball inside this arc. If a defending field player touches a moving ball that is clearly inside this arc, it is a goal. If an attacking player touches a moving ball that is clearly inside this arc, it is a goal kick. If the ball stops moving inside the arc without crossing the goal line, it is a goal kick.
- Goal Size is 4’ x 6’.
Game / Practice Details
- Starting Team consists of 4 field players plus a goal keeper.
- The Mini Games will consist of 4 – 10 minute quarters with approximately 1 minute between quarters and a 5 minute halftime break.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Throw-ins are used for all balls that cross the sideline at this age. Opponents must stand back at least 10ft.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and goal kicks.
- No Headers allowed at this age. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opponent if a player intentionally heads the ball.
- Size 3 ball is used.
- A Field Coordinator / Referee are provided.
- There will be 1 weekday hour long practice each week of the season, as long as daylight allows. The coach will select the location and time in coordination with Cecil Soccer.
- On Goal Kicks or if the keeper is in holding the ball, the opposing team must return to their half of the field until the ball is back in play.
- Goal Keepers may not punt at this age.
- Goal Kicks are taken from anywhere inside the Penalty Area. Once the ball leaves the penalty area, it is considered in play.
U-10 Divisions (7v7)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 55 and 65 yards long.
- The Field shall be between 35 and 45 yards wide.
- The Goal Area shall be 4 yards long by 8 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 12 yards long by 24 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have an 8 yard radius.
- The Penalty Spot is 8 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has an 8 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
- Build out lines shall be equidistant between the penalty area and halfway line.
- Goal Size is 6.5’ x 18.5’.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 6 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 4 – 15 minute quarters with approximately 2 minutes between quarters and a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat to behind the breakout line on all goal kicks or whenever the goal keeper has clear possession of the ball.
- The Off Sides rule is in effect between the build out line and the goal line. No Off Sides rule is enforced between the 2 build out lines.
- Goal Keepers may not punt at this age.
- No Headers allowed at this age. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opponent if a player intentionally heads the ball.
- Size 4 ball is used.
- A Referee and two (2) Assistant Referees are provided.
U-12 Divisions (9v9)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards long
- The Field shall be between 45 and 55 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 5 yards long by 12 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 14 yards long by 36 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have an 8 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 10 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has an 8 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
- Goal Size is 7’ x 21’.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 8 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 30 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- Goal Keepers are allowed to punt the ball at this age.
- No Headers allowed at this age. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opponent if a player intentionally heads the ball.
- Size 4 ball is used.
U-14 Divisions (11v11)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 110 and 120 yards long
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 6 yards long by 20 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 18 yards long by 44 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have a 10 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 12 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has a 10 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
- Goal Size is 8’ x 24’.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 10 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 35 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- Goal Keepers are allowed to punt the ball at this age.
- Heading the ball is allowed at this age.
- Size 5 ball is used.
U-16 Divisions (11v11)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 110 and 120 yards long
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 6 yards long by 20 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 18 yards long by 44 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have a 10 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 12 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has a 10 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
- Goal Size is 8’ x 24’.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 10 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 40 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- Goal Keepers are allowed to punt the ball at this age.
- Heading the ball is allowed at this age.
- Size 5 ball is used.
U-19 Divisions (11v11)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 110 and 120 yards long
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 6 yards long by 20 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 18 yards long by 44 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have a 10 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 12 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has a 10 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 10 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 40 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- Goal Keepers are allowed to punt the ball at this age.
- Heading the ball is allowed at this age.
- Size 5 ball is used.
Over 18 Division (11v11)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 110 and 120 yards long
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 6 yards long by 20 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 18 yards long by 44 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have a 10 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 12 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has a 10 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 10 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 35 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- All other FIFA rules are applied.
- Size 5 ball is used.
Over 18 Division (8v8)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards long
- The Field shall be between 45 and 55 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 5 yards long by 12 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 14 yards long by 36 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have an 8 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 10 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has an 8 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 7 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 35 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- All other FIFA rules are applied.
- Size 5 ball is used.
Over 30 Division (8v8)
Field Dimensions
- The Field shall be between 70 and 80 yards long
- The Field shall be between 45 and 55 yards wide
- The Goal Area shall be 5 yards long by 12 yards wide.
- The Penalty Area shall be 14 yards long by 36 yards wide.
- The Center Circle shall have an 8 yard radius
- The Penalty Spot is 10 yards from the center of the Goal.
- The Penalty Arc has an 8 yard radius from the Penalty Spot.
Game Description
- Starting Team consists of 7 field players plus a goal keeper.
- All games will consist of 2 – 35 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
- All players should play at least 50% of the game.
- Substitutions are only allowed at stoppage of play with approval from the referee per FIFA rules. All substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line.
- Opponents must start in their own half of the field on all kickoffs and outside the Center Circle.
- The attacking team must retreat outside the Penalty Area on all Goal Kicks. On Goal Kicks, the ball must leave the penalty area before it is considered in play per FIFA rules. If on a goal kick, a ball is touched prior to leaving the penalty area; the goal kick is to be re-taken.
- The Off Sides rule is applied per FIFA rules at this age. Indirect Free Kicks are awarded if in the eyes of the Referee an Off Side Offence has been committed. Players may be in an Off Side position without committing an Off Side offense. Players have not committed an offside offense if they received the ball directly from a corner kick, throw in or goal kick. Players that are not directly involved in a play are also not considered to be committing an Off Side Offence even if they are in an Off Side position. A player is considered to be committing an Off Side Offence if at the time a ball is played to them by a team mate they were in an Off Side Position.
- All other FIFA rules are applied.
- Size 5 ball is used.
Winter Indoor Recreation Soccer League
The Cecil Soccer League INDOOR Soccer Program begins in early January and goes til about early March. Games this year will be played at the Cecil Arena near Rising Sun High School on RT 272. The league does not rent space for teams to practice during the INDOOR Season and all the games will be on weekends this season. Individual age groups have their games on the same day each week.
The INDOOR Game is considerably faster than the Outdoor Game as the playing surface is smaller allowing the kids get to touch the ball more frequently and substitutions are done on the fly. The playing surface is AstroTurf and the field is surrounded by netting to keep the spectators from getting hit by an out of bounds ball. There are no walls around the playing surface so the ball will go out of bounds (same as the outdoor game). There is a spectator area on the opposite side of the field and has a Snack Bar.
The teams in the INDOOR Program are made up primarily of recreational level players. Travel Team players are permitted and League Officials will place the Travel Players so teams are more evenly matched. The rules of the INDOOR Game are similar to the rules from outdoor; for specific rules go to the Law of the Game Page under the INDOOR Soccer Program.
Winter Indoor Soccer Schedule
The times posted are kickoff times with the exception of the U6 which are practice times. There is 5 to 10 minutes built in for warm-up between games so players should plan on arriving 15 min early. U8 thru U18 are playing 2 – 20 min halves with a 5 min halftime. U6 have a 15-20 minute Practice followed by a 20 min game (2-10 min halves). No Cleats allowed, only indoor soccer shoes, turf shoes or sneakers (county rule). Shin pads are required. No Heading in U6, U8, U10 or U12 Divisions. Futsal Balls will be provided. Cecil Soccer Recreational Jerseys required for U6 thru U14 Divisions. U16 & U18 Divisions can provide their own Jersey. If clash of colors, Away Team (A) changes or wears pinnies.
Contact Us
Questions about our Recreational Program? Contact our Rec Director